
Requiring this file will replace some clojure.core docstrings with better versions.

I’d be ecstatic if documentation like this, or derived from this, were included in clojure.core. Note that the Unlicense allows anyone to do that.


added in 1.0

(butlast coll)

Return a seq of all but the last item in coll, in linear time. If you are working on a vector and want the result to be a vector, use pop.



added in 1.5

(cond-> expr & clauses)

The clauses have two parts: a test expression and a form. An entire cond-> expression looks like this:

 (cond-> <expr>
         <independent-test-1> <exec-1>
         <independent-test-2> <exec-2>

The independent tests do not have the value of expr threaded into them. If, however, independent-test-1 is truthy, the value of expr will be threaded into exec-1, using the rules of ->. The resulting value will be threaded into the value of exec2 when independent-test-2 is truthy.

Examples will clarify. Here is a cond-> form that threads through each of the exec forms:

(cond-> 1
        true inc
        true inc
        true inc)
=> 4

Here’s an example that illustrates that the original expr has nothing to do with the tests:

(cond-> 1
        string? inc
        string? inc
        string? inc)
=> 4

The result is 4 because string?, a function, is a truthy value.

Here’s an example of a function that takes arguments describing which branches to take:

(defn brancher [& branches]
  (letfn [(take? [n] (contains? (set branches) n))]
    (cond-> []
            (take? 1) (conj 1)
            (take? 2) (conj 2)
            (take? 3) (conj 3))))

(brancher 1 3) => [1 3]



added in 1.5

(cond->> expr & clauses)

This is like cond->, except that values are threaded into the last position, as with ->>.

 (cond->> [1 2 3]
         false (map inc) ; not taken
         true  (map -))
 => [-1 -2 -3]


added in 1.3

(every-pred p)(every-pred p1 p2)(every-pred p1 p2 p3)(every-pred p1 p2 p3 & ps)

Take N functions and produce a single predicate - call it result. result will return true iff each of the original functions returns a truthy value. result evaluates the functions in order, and the first one that produces a falsey value stops any further checking. In that case, false is returned.

See also some-fn.

 ( (every-pred integer? even? pos?) "hi") => false
 ( (every-pred integer? even? pos?) 4) => true


added in 1.0

(find-ns sym)

sym must be a symbol. If it names an existing namespace, that namespace is returned. Otherwise, nil is returned. Other examples

(find-ns 'clojure.core) => #<Namespace clojure.core>


added in 1.2

(map-indexed f)(map-indexed f coll)

In the two-argument form, the following two are equivalent:

 (map-indexed f coll)
 (map f (range) coll)

Thus, f should accept two arguments: the index of an element in coll and the element itself.

 (map-indexed vector [:a :b :c]) => ([0 :a] [1 :b] [2 :c])

Like map, map-indexed is lazy.

The single argument form produces a transducer.


added in 1.0

(ns-name ns)

ns must be either a namespace or a symbol naming a namespace. If the namespace exists, its symbol-name is returned. If not, an exception is thrown. Note: the more common name function cannot be applied to namespaces. Other examples

(ns-name *ns*) => 'such.better-doc


added in 1.0

(ns-resolve ns sym)(ns-resolve ns env sym)

ns-resolve goes from a symbol to the var or class it represents. Other examples

The first (ns) argument must be either a namespace or a symbol naming a namespace (e.g., 'clojure.core). The final argument sym must be a symbol. There are four cases for that final argument:

  1. sym is not namespace qualified (e.g., 'even?), and you hope it corresponds to a var in ns. If there is a var that (1) is “available” in ns and (2) has the same name as sym, it is returned. Otherwise, nil is returned. “Available” means the var has either been interned in the namespace or refered into it.

    (ns-resolve *ns* 'a-var) => #'this.namespace/a-var
    (ns-resolve *ns* 'even?) => #'clojure.core/even?
    (ns-resolve 'clojure.core 'even?) => #'clojure.core/even?
  2. sym is a namespace-qualified symbol (e.g., 'clojure.core/even?) that you hope corresponds to a var. The behavior is the same as (1), except that ns is not used. The symbol’s namespace is used instead.

    (ns-resolve *ns* 'clojure.core/even?) => #'clojure.core/even?

    Note: Even though the ns argument is not used in the lookup, it must still either be a namespace or a symbol that names an existing namespace. If not, an exception will be thrown.

    Because ns is unused, resolve is better for this case.

  3. sym is a fully qualified class name (e.g., 'java.lang.Object). If such a class exists, it is returned. Otherwise, a ClassNotFoundException is thrown. The ns argument is ignored, except that it must be a namespace or a symbol naming one.

    (ns-resolve *ns* 'java.lang.Object) => java.lang.Object

    Because ns is unused, resolve is better for this case.

  4. sym is a symbol you hope names a class imported into ns. If there is a class with that (unqualified) name in ns, it is returned.

    (ns-resolve 'clojure.core 'Object) => java.lang.Object
    (import 'java.util.AbstractCollection)
    (ns-resolve *ns* 'AbstractCollection) => java.util.AbstractCollection

    If the class hasn’t been imported, the function returns nil (rather than throwing an exception, as in the fully-qualified case).

    (ns-resolve 'clojure.core 'AbstractMethodHandlerFactoryFactory) => nil
    (ns-resolve 'clojure.core 'java.lang.AbstractMethodHandlerFactoryFactory) => (throws)

In the three-argument case, the second env argument is a map whose keys must be symbols. If any of the keys are = to the final argument, nil is returned (instead of a match, if any).

(ns-resolve *ns* 'even?) => #'clojure.core/even?
(ns-resolve *ns* '{even? "irrelevant"} 'even?) => nil
(ns-resolve *ns* 'Object) => java.lang.Object
(ns-resolve *ns* '{Object "irrelevant"} 'Object) => nil

Other examples


added in 1.0

(reduce f coll)(reduce f val coll)

reduce converts a collection into a single value. Except for one exception (described below), f must take two arguments. + takes two arguments, so it can be used to reduce a collection of numbers to their sum:

 (reduce + 0 [1 2 3 4]) => 10

+ is called four times. Here is the sequence of calls.

 (+ 0 1) => 1   ; sum of first element
 (+ 1 2) => 3   ; sum of first two elements
 (+ 3 3) => 6   ; sum of first three elements
 (+ 6 4) => 10  ; ...

At any point, the first argument to f is the “reduction” of all the previous calls to f, and the second argument is the next collection element to add into the reduction. When defining functions to use with reduce, the first argument is often called acc (for “accumulator”) or so-far.

When using +, the distinction between the two arguments isn’t clear, so here’s an example that returns the longest string in a collection:

 (reduce (fn [max-so-far elt]
           (if (> (count elt) max-so-far)
             (count elt)
         ["abc" "ab" "abcd" "a"]) => 4

When you’re surprised by the results of a call to reduce, you can use reductions as an easy way to see what’s going on:

 (reductions + 0 [1 2 3 4]) 
           =>    (0 1 3 6 10)

reductions returns a collection of all the first arguments to f plus the final result.

Reduce is lazy, so the reduction isn’t done until the result is used.

The two-argument form can be used when (f val (first coll)) is the same as (first coll). That’s the case with +, where (+ 0 1) is 1. So, in the two argument form, the first call to f uses the first argument of the collection as the starting reduction and begins working with the second element:

 (reduce + [1 2 3 4]) => 10
 (reductions + [1 2 3 4]) => (1 3 6 10) ; slightly different result

Small arrays: f takes two values. What if there aren’t two values to give it? There’s one special case for the three-argument form:

 (reduce + 0 []) => 0
 (reductions + 0 []) => (0)

In this case, val is returned and f is never called.

There are two special two-argument cases. The first is when there’s only one element in the collection:

 (reduce + [10]) => 10

The handling is really the same as the above, since the first argument in the collection is treated as the starting val. More interesting is the empty collection:

 (reduce + []) => 0
 (reductions + []) => (0)

Here, f is called, but with zero arguments. It happens that (+) is 0. In the longest-string example, though, the result is not so pretty:

 (reduce (fn [max-so-far elt]...) [])
 ArityException Wrong number of args (0) ...

See also: reductions, reduce-kv


added in 1.4

(reduce-kv f init coll)

For maps, reduce-kv is a trivial variant on reduce. The following two functions are the same:

(reduce     (fn [so-far [key val]] ...) ... {...}
(reduce-kvs (fn [so-far  key val ] ...) ... {...}

For vectors, reduce-kv is to reduce as map-indexed is to map: it provides indexes as well as collection elements. The argument list is [reduction-so-far index element].

This example sums up the indices and values of a vector:

(reduce-kv + 0 [-1 -2 -3 -4]) => -4

It works because + allows three arguments. Here’s an example that converts a vector to a map whose keys are the vector indexes:

(reduce-kv (fn [acc i elt] (assoc acc i elt))
           ["0" "2" "3" "4"])
=> {0 "0", 1 "2", 2 "3", 3 "4"}

If coll is empty, init is returned and f is not called.


added in 1.2

(reductions f coll)(reductions f init coll)

Perform a reduce but don’t return only the final reduction. Return a sequence of the intermediate reductions, ending with the final reduction.

Consider this reduction that produces nested vectors:

 (reduce (fn [so-far elt] (vector (conj so-far elt)))
         [1 2 3 4 5])
 => [[[[[[1] 2] 3] 4] 5]]

Using reductions instead:

 (reductions (fn [so-far elt] (vector (conj so-far elt)))
             [1 2 3 4 5])
 => ([]
     [[[1] 2]]
     [[[[1] 2] 3]]   [[[[[1] 2] 3] 4]]   [[[[[[1] 2] 3] 4] 5]])

To be more precise, the result is a sequence of the first arguments to f, followed by the final value. Those are slightly different in the two-argument and three-argument cases:

 (reductions + 0 [1 2 3]) => (0 1 3 6)
 (reductions +   [1 2 3]) => (  1 3 6)

The sequence is lazy:

 (take 3 (reductions (fn [so-far elt] (vector (conj so-far elt)))
                     (range)))  ; infinite list here
 => ([]  [[0]]  [[[0] 1]])


added in 1.0

(sequential? coll)

True of lazy sequences, vectors, and lists. False for other Clojure built-in types. Note: perhaps surprisingly, not true of strings and java arrays. Any new type can be sequential? if it implements the Java interface Sequential, a marker interface that has no methods.


added in 1.0

(some pred coll)

Apply pred to each element in coll until it returns a truthy value, then return that value (*not* the element). This can be used to ask the question “is there an even value in the collection?”:

(some even? [1 2 3 4]) => true

However, as signaled by the lack of a ‘?’ in some, its value is not necessarily a boolean. Here is how you would ask “is there a value greater than zero and, if so, what is the first of them?”:

(some #(and (pos? %) %) [-1 -3 2 4]) => 2

some is often used to ask the question “is X in the collection?”. That takes advantage of how sets can be treated as a “contains value?” function:

(#{1 2 3} 2) => 2
(#{1 2 3} -88) => nil


(some #{2} [1 2 3]) => 2
(some #{2} [-1 -2 -3]) => nil

You may find any? (in such.shorthand) easier to remember.

It’s easy to forget that some returns the value of the predicate, not the element itself. To be sure you get the element, do this:

(first (filter pred coll))

That’s find-first in such.shorthand.


added in 1.3

(some-fn p)(some-fn p1 p2)(some-fn p1 p2 p3)(some-fn p1 p2 p3 & ps)

Take N functions and produce a single function - call it result. result evaluates the N functions in order. When one returns a truthy result, result skips the remaining functions and returns that result. If none of the functions returns a truthy value, result returns a falsey value.

This function is called some-fn because it does not produce a pure (true/false) result. See also every-pred.

 ( (some-fn even? pos?) 3) => true
 ( (some-fn even? pos?) -3) => false

 ( (some-fn second first) [1 2 3]) => 2
 ( (some-fn second first) [1]) => 1
 ( (some-fn second first) []) => nil


added in 1.0

(symbol name)(symbol ns name)

Creates a symbol from its arguments, which must be strings. The name of that result is name. In the one-argument version, the result’s namespace is nil. In the two-argument version, it’s ns. Note that ns need not refer to an existing namespace:

  (symbol "no.such.namespace" "the") => 'no.such.namespace/the