
Explicit functions for what could be done easily - but less clearly - by composing clojure.core functions. Anti-shibboleths such as using not-empty? instead of seq.


(any? predlike coll)

any? provides shorthand for “containment” queries that otherwise require different functions. Behavior depends on the type of predlike.

  • A function: true iff predlike returns a truthy value for any value in coll.

     (any? even? [1 2 3]) => true           ; works best with boolean-valued functions
     (any? inc [1 2 3]) => true             ; a silly example to demo truthiness.
     (any? identity [nil false]) => false   ; also silly
  • A collection: true iff predlike contains any element of coll.

     (any? #{1 3} [5 4 1]) => true
     (any? [1 3] [5 4 1]) => true

    When predlike is a map, it checks key/value pairs:

     (any? {:a 1} {:a 1}) => true
     (any? {:a 1} {:a 2}) => false
     (any? {:a 2, :b 1} {:b 1, :c 3}) => true
  • A keyword: true iff predlike is a key in coll, which must be a map.

     (any? :a {:a 1, :b 2}) => true         ; equivalent to:
     (contains? {:a 1, :b 2} :a) => true


(find-first pred coll)

Returns the first item of coll where (pred item) returns a truthy value, nil otherwise. coll is evaluated lazily.

 (find-first even? [1 2 3]) => 2

You can apply find-first to a map, even though which element matches “first” is undefined. Note that the item passed to pred will be a key-value pair:

 (find-first #(even? (second %)) {:a 2, :b 22, :c 222}) => [:c 222]


(fourth coll)

Returns the fourth element of coll. Returns nil if there are fewer than four elements.


(not-empty? value)

Returns true if value has any values, false otherwise. value must be a collection, a String, a native Java array, or something that implements the Iterable interface.



(prog1 retform & body)

The retform is evaluated, followed by the body. The value of the form is returned, so the point of body should be to have side-effects.

(defn pop! [k]
   (prog1 (top k)
     (alter! k clojure.core/pop)))

The name is a homage to older Lisps.


(third coll)

Returns the third element of coll. Returns nil if there are fewer than three elements.


(without-nils coll)

A lazy sequence of non-nil values of coll.