

(+into coll & colls)

The result collection is formed by conjing all elements of the other colls onto coll (in order).

  (+into [] (map inc [1 2]) (map dec [-1 -2]))  => [2 3 -2 -3]

+into is a convenient way to coerce a number of collections into a vector or other collection of your choice.

Note: the Clojure 1.7 version of into has a three argument version that takes a transducer as its second argument. Unlike in 1.6 and earlier, +into is not a compatible replacement for 1.7’s into.


(bifurcate pred coll)

Apply pred to all elements of coll and return two sequences. Those elements for which pred returns a truthy value go in the first sequence. pred is only evaluated once per element. Sequences are created lazily.

 (bifurcate even? [1 2 3 4]) => [ [2 4] [1 3] ]
 (take 5 (first (bifurcate even? (range)))) => [0 2 4 6 8]


(only coll)

Gives the first element of a sequence. Throws an exception if there is not exactly one element.


(vertical-slices & sequences)

Given N sequences, return one sequence whose first element is a sequence of all the first elements, etc.