
Links to, and support for, online documentation.



Open this library’s API documentation in a browser.

To auto-load this and all such functions into the repl, put the following in project.clj:

 :repl-options {:init (do (require 'such.doc 'etc 'etc)
                          ;; List available api docs on repl startup:



(api-url! url)

This defines an api function that jumps to online documentation. Put something like the following in a some-library.doc namespace:

 (ns some-library.doc
   "Functions that jump to online documentation."
   (:require such.doc))

(such.doc/api-url! "")

A client of some-library can put the following in project.clj:

 :repl-options {:init (do (require 'some-library.doc 'etc 'etc)
                          ;; List available api docs on repl startup:

Thereafter, the documentation is available in the repl via




List (to stdout) all APIs that provide in-repl documentation via (some-library.doc/api).