
Symbol utilities, such as different ways to create symbols.


(+symbol name)(+symbol ns name)

Creates a symbol. A variant of the clojure.core version with a wider domain.
The ns argument may be a namespace, symbol, keyword, or string (as-ns-string).
The name argument may be a symbol, string, keyword, or var (as-string-without-namespace).

In the one-argument version, the resulting symbol has a nil namespace. In the two-argument version, it has the symbol version of ns as the namespace. Note that ns need not refer to an existing namespace.

(+symbol "th") => 'th
(+symbol 'clojure.core "th") => 'clojure.core/th

(+symbol *ns* 'th) => 'this.namespace/th ; "add" a namespace
(+symbol *ns* 'clojure.core/even?) => 'this.namespace/even? ; "localize" a symbol.


(from-concatenation nameables join-nameable)(from-concatenation nameables)

Construct a symbol from the concatenation of the string versions of the nameables, which may be symbols, strings, keywords, or vars. If given, the join-nameable is interposed between the segments.

 (symbol/from-concatenation ['a "b" :c #'d]) => 'abcd
 (symbol/from-concatenation ["a" "b"] '-) => 'a-b)

Note that the namespace qualifiers for symbols and strings are not included:

 (symbol/from-concatenation [:namespace/un #'clojure.core/even?]) => 'uneven?


(without-namespace sym)

Return a symbol with the same name as sym but no namespace.

 (symbol/without-namespace 'clojure.core/even?) => 'even?