
Various functions on key-value structures


(conj-into original & additions)

original is a map. additions is a sequence of keys and values (not a map). Each key is used to identify a value within the map. That original value is updated by conjing on the associated additions value.

  (conj-into {:a [1] :b '(1)} :a 2 :b 2) => '{:a [1 2] :b (2 1)}

If the key isn’t present in the map, it is created as a list containing the value.

  (conj-into {} :a 1) => '{:a (1)}


(dissoc-keypath map keys)

Like dissoc, but takes a sequence of keys that describes a path to a value. There must be at least two keys in the path.

  (subject/dissoc-keypath {:by-name {:name1 1}} [:by-name :name1])
   =>                     {:by-name {        }}


(invert map)

Produce a map with values as keys. Values are assumed unique.


(key-difference original unwanted)

Remove (as with dissoc) all the keys in original that are in unwanted.

 (key-difference {:a 1, :b 2} {:b ..irrelevant.., :c ..irrelevant..}) => {:a 1}


(mkmap:all-keys-with-value keys v)

Create a map with keys keys. Each key will have v as its value.

   (mkmap:all-keys-with-value [:a, :b] 3) => {:a 3, :b 3}


(update-each-value kvs f & args)

Call f on each value in map kvs, passing it the value and any args.

 (update-each-value {:a 1, :b 0} + 2) => {:a 3, :b 2}